Did You Know
Almost half of patients with breast cancer experience at least moderate financial distress which affects treatment choices, quality of life, medication adherence, bankruptcy rates, and even mortality (death rate).
Here are more facts about breast cancer and Pinkn’ Patchs’ mission.

Did You Know?
Since 2022, over 283,000 women have been diagnosed with breast cancer. That number equates to 13% of the US women population, totaling one in eight women. It’s almost guaranteed that in your lifetime, you will have known someone who has been diagnosed, battled, or is currently battling this modern epidemic.
Surprisingly, there have been no large-scale commercial attempts to take advantage of the obvious connection between; Breast Cancer Awareness month (October), its association with the color pink, and the vast pumpkin market that Halloween creates.
Pinkn' Patch Initiative
In 2022, retail pumpkin sales in the US reached staggering numbers, with 44% of the population carving jack o’ lanterns for Halloween. This means 148,881,831 people spent $804,000,000 on pumpkins for carving and decorating!
Since its inception, the Pinkn’ Patch Initiative has been warmly embraced by the community, receiving robust support from local businesses and charitable organizations. Supporters include Soaring Eagle Casino, Sherwin-Williams Paints, GRACO Corporation, Green Family Foundation, and Fans of Valley Field.
Join our cause to support breast cancer patients in their journey towards faster healing.
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